Below is a summary of Taylor’s electronic health record (EHR) during his visit. As a physician, you are responsible for examining Taylor, ordering tests and procedures and diagnosing his condition. Using Virtual Physical Exam (VPE), Taylor’s EHR and Internet research, answer the questions and be prepared to discuss the responses with the rest of Taylor’s healthcare team.

  1. Internet Research: You order a cholesterol test and a fasting blood glucose test. What can you tell Taylor about these tests and how the results will impact his health?

    Review Taylor’s EHR: What are Taylor’s test results for his Lipid Profile (cholesterol, LDL, HLD and triglycerides) and fasting blood glucose tests?

  2. Review VPE: Dr. Waring performs a funduscopic exam on Taylor’s eyes. What does Taylor’s funduscopic examination reveal?

  3. Internet Research: You tell Taylor that because of his family history of diabetes and obesity, he is more likely to have type 2 diabetes. What are the common symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

    On Your Own: How can Taylor improve his health status?

  4. Internet Research: How does type 2 diabetes affect the nervous system?

    Internet Research: How does type 2 diabetes affect the arteries?

    Internet Research: Why is the cut on Taylor’s finger not healing in a normal fashion?

View Taylor’s EHR – PCP Chart   Virtual Physical Exam