Why Become a Medical Technologist?

You are organized, excel in science and math and like to solve problems. You are naturally curious, eager to learn new technology and have strong communication skills. A career as a medical technologist might be right for you because:

There are two types of medical technologists:
  1. Internet Research: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, what is the job outlook for medical laboratory technologist and a radiologic/MRI technologist?

The Journey to Becoming a Medical Technologist

Many people with varying skills and backgrounds work as medical technologists. Laboratory technologists generally have either a two-year associate’s degree studying clinical laboratory science or a four-year bachelor’s degree studying for a medical laboratory scientist degree.

Radiology technologists generally have completed a two-year certification program, a two-year associate’s degree program or a four-year bachelor’s degree program. They are also required to pass certification exams.

A two-year certificate or associate program focuses on the technical skills required by radiology, such as radiation protection and medical imaging procedures. A bachelor’s degree program can either be specialized in a specific type of radiology equipment or a more generalized focus on radiologic sciences.

  1. Internet Research: Research a local college/university/school with a laboratory technologist or radiology technologist degree program. Provide the following information:
    • School location
    • Length of program/degree

  2. Internet Research: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, what is the current median pay of a laboratory technologist and a radiologic/MRI technologist?

The Responsibilities of a Medical Technologist

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical laboratory technologists collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissue and other substances. Radiology technologists perform diagnostic imaging examinations such as X-rays on patients and MRI technologists operate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners to create diagnostic images.

In general, medical technologists are responsible for the following: Medical laboratory technologists typically do the following: Radiology and MRI technologists typically do the following:
  1. On Your Own: Using the list above, identify which responsibilities benefit the patient and which responsibilities benefit other members of the healthcare team.